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Areas We Fund

Triple J Family Foundation’s mission is purposely broad to allow promotion of educational endeavors that will help individuals achieve independence, personal growth, and financial security.

Eligibility & Guidelines

We want to ensure we are helping those that need it most. In order to do so, we have requirements for Eligibility and Guidelines.

Grant Application Instructions

Any questions on applying for a grant can be answered here.

Who We Are

We are a family of faith.  Triple J Family Foundation was born in 2022 by Steve and Susan Babinsky as a way to honor and pass on the legacy of Steve’s grandparents who had a strong faith that modeled what it is like to love and honor God.

Wanting to change our family tree forever and create a legacy, looking for ways to give, and modeling to family and friends and future generations; we want to be able to help with our time, treasures and talents to those individuals and organizations that will help further the kingdom.

The Foundation’s goal is to create an endowment that will support higher education opportunities in an effort to change lives and make a positive difference in the world. 

Through creation of the family foundation, it is our hope and prayer that future generations of family and friends carry on the legacy forever. 

Mission / Vision Statement

Mission:  We believe that education is a key to helping individuals achieve personal growth and financial independence. We will use our time, treasures, and talents to support initiatives that teach individuals to fish so that they can eat for a lifetime.


Vision:  We believe the power of education can change lives and make a positive difference in the world.  It is our intention to give deserving individuals a hand up, and not a handout, by fostering higher education opportunities.  We believe this will help build job and life skills that will enhance an individual’s ability to reach their goals, dreams, and purpose.