• Alignment with the Foundation mission, vision and interests.
  • Clearly presented goals, objectives and strategies.
  • A detailed description and plan on how the grant will be used.


  • Application must be completed on-line.
  • All form fields are required unless marked optional.
  • Use correct grammar and do not use all capital letters.
  • Provide attachments for review that will support the request.
    • Required:
      • Official high school or college transcripts (only official transcripts will be considered)
      • Letter(s) of recommendation (no more than 3) from high school counselor, principal, teacher, employer, pastor, or other advisors or mentors
      • Required Essay: Please tell us from your past and current experiences (either academic or personal) what attracts you to your projected area of study and explain your interest (maximum 750 words)
    • Optional:
      • SAT or ACT scores
      • Copies of Academic Awards


  • Applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt of their application.
  • If the application request meets with our guidelines, the applicant may be contacted to schedule a phone or in-person interview.
  • If a scholarship is approved, the recipient will be required to sign and return a scholarship agreement prior to receiving funds.
  • Funds will be sent directly to the school of the recipients’ choice after proof of enrollment is received.
  • If a grant is not approved, the applicant will be notified in writing.